Directed by Ryan Bury, Jennifer Bonior, James Bowsher. With Ashleigh Allard, Tom Bonington, Eliane Gagnon, Marissa Kaye Grinestaff. A series of stories woven together by one of our most primal fears, the fear of the unknown.

I've also seen an untold number of shorts programs at various festivals and can confirm this is on par with any of those blocks. As an under-the-radar release in multiple ways, "The Source of Shadows" isn't going to knock anyone out with unforgettable nightmares. Antologies are always very hit or miss but all the ones in Source of Shadows were hit for me.

The Source of Shadows

Except the second segment which was way too short and supposed to be comedy but it was just stupid. All the rest however, I enjoyed very much- some beatifully shot, some with very good acting, some with interesting and original ideas. Watch Trailer & Find Out More! Out of Shadows is a full-length documentary that is currently free to watch on YouTube. Shortly after its release, I received several e-mails asking me what I thought about it. And, after watching it, I understood why: The documentary aptly sums up the contents of most of this site in an insightful and entertaining matter.

Trailer The Source of Shadows

The vampire protagonists of horror-mockumentary "What We Do in the Shadows" may seem like creatures of habit, but they're really just slow. While one vamp uses a modern convenience like eBay to "do my dark bidding," the rest rely exclusively on their limited intelligence and human servants. Horror anthology THE SOURCE OF SHADOWS hits North American VOD platforms next month.

And today we have the movie's trailer and poster for you to check out. You can give the trailer a look-see up. The movie The Source of Shadows is a suspenseful anthology film which depicts ten tales of horror from twelve visionary directors as they take viewers on a journey to experience one of humanity's most carnal fears — the fear of the unknown. This series of short vignettes weaves together dire tales of the creatures we can't always see, the shadows hiding around the corner, the mysterious.